详细解释:n. 妥贴安排, 优美, 和谐
n.(名词)【复数】 con.cin.ni.ties Harmony in the arrangement or interarrangement of parts with respect to a whole.和谐:从整体看在安排或布局上的和谐妥贴Studied elegance and facility in style of expression:优美:在表达的风格上的经过推敲的优美和简洁:例句:.He has what one character calls ‘the gifts of concinnity and concision,’ that deft swipe with a phrase that can be so devastating in children.(Elizabeth Ward).他具有那种被称为‘优美和简洁的天赋’的特点,这个对孩子震动巨大的字眼深深刺痛了他们.(伊丽莎白·沃德)
An instance of harmonious arrangement or studied elegance and facility.经过推敲的和谐和优美的例子
来源:From Latin concinnit3s 源自 拉丁语 concinnit3s from concinn3re [to put in order] 源自 concinn3re [摆放整齐] from concinnus [deftly joined] 源自 concinnus [灵巧地结合]