详细解释:n. 药西瓜, 干药瓜瓤(用作泻药)
【医】 药西瓜瓢
n.(名词)A tendril-bearing Old World vine(Citrullus colocynthis) bearing yellowish, green-mottled fruits the size of small lemons. 药西瓜:一种卷须状旧大陆藤本植物(药西瓜 西瓜属) ,结有黄色有绿色斑点小柠檬大小的果实 The fruit of this plant, whose dried, bitter, spongy pulp is a very strong laxative.Also called bitter apple 药西瓜:这种植物的果实,其海绵状带苦味的干果是一种极有效的导泄药也作 bitter apple
来源:Latin colocynthis 拉丁语 colocynthis from Greek kolokunthis 源自 希腊语 kolokunthis from kolokunthô [round gourd] 源自 kolokunthô [圆的葫芦]