详细解释:【化】 粘杆菌素; 多粘菌素E
【医】 粘菌素
n.Microbiology (名词)【微生物学】 An antibiotic produced by the bacteriumBacillus polymyxa or B. colistinus that is effective against a wide range of gram-negative bacteria and is used especially in the treatment of infections of the gastrointestinal tract. 黏菌素:一种由黏杆菌 或 素芽孢杆菌 产生的抗菌素,主要用于控制革兰氏阴性杆菌,专用于治疗胃肠道感染
来源:From New Latin Colistonus [species name] 源自 现代拉丁语 Colistonus [类名] from coli- 源自 coli-