详细解释:n. 幼稚型, 幼稚症
【医】 幼稚型, 婴儿型
名词 infantilism:
an abnormal condition in which an older child or adult retains infantile characteristicsinfantile behavior in mature persons详细解释:
n.(名词)A state of arrested development in an adult, characterized by retention of infantile mentality, accompanied by stunted growth and sexual immaturity, and often by dwarfism.幼稚病:一种出现于成年人当中的发育停滞的状态,其特点是思维幼稚,伴有发育不良和性方面的不成熟,还有侏儒现象发生
Extreme immaturity, as in behavior or character:幼稚型:如在行为或性格上表现的特别不成熟:例句:.infantilism, which is the subtext of so much American cinema and culture.(John Simon).幼稚病是许多美国电影和文化的特征.(约翰·西蒙)
An infantile act or remark.幼稚行为:幼稚的行为或言论