详细解释:n. 铁树目裸子植物
名词 cycad:
any tropical gymnosperm of the order Cycadales; having unbranched stems with a crown of fernlike leaves详细解释:
n.(名词)Any of various palmlike gymnospermous cone-bearing evergreen plants of the division Cycadophyta, native to warm regions and having large pinnately compound leaves.铁树目裸子植物:一种掌状裸子植物的结有球果的常绿植物,是苏铁亚纲植物的,原产于热带地区而且长有较大的羽状复叶
来源:New Latin Cycas Cycad- [genus name] 现代拉丁语 Cycas Cycad- [属名] from Greek kukas 源自 希腊语 kukas erroneous reading of koôkas [accusative pl. of] koôx [a kind of palm tree] koôkas的错误读法 [] koôx的宾格复数 [棕榈树的一种] [perhaps of Egyptian origin] [可能源自古埃及语]