详细解释:n. 骑马斗牛士, 能言善辩者, 机灵的人
名词 picador:
the horseman who pricks the bull with a lance early in the bullfight to goad the bull and to make it keep its head low详细解释:
n.(名词)【复数】 pic.a.dors 或 pic.a.do.res [pk.…-dôr.3s, pô.kô-thô.rμs] A horseman in a bullfight who lances the bull`s neck muscles so that it will tend to keep its head low for the subsequent stages of the fight.骑马斗牛士:斗牛的骑手,用长矛刺牛的颈部肌肉,以使其头低下来准备下一轮的战斗
来源:Spanish 西班牙语 from picar [to prick] * see picaro 源自 picar [轻刺,刺痛] *参见 picaro