详细解释:n. 八分圆, 八分仪, (天体与另一天体)成45度的视角位置
【医】 八分体
名词 octant:
a measuring instrument for measuring angles to a celestial body; similar to a sextant but with 45 degree calibration详细解释:
n.(名词)One eighth of a circle.八分圆:圆的八分之一
A 45= arc.45°弧The area enclosed by two radii at a 45= angle and the intersected arc.八分圆:一个被两条成45°角的半径及与之相交的弧所包围的区域An instrument based on the principle of the sextant but employing only a 45= angle, used as an aid in navigation.八分仪:以六分仪的规则为基础设计的一种仪器,但只采用45°角,用来帮助航海Astronomy The position of a celestial body when it is separated from another by a 45= angle.【天文学】 八分圆:一个天体当它成45°角与另一天体分离时所处的位置One of eight parts into which three-dimensional space is divided by three usually perpendicular coordinate planes.卦限:八个区之一,这八个区是由三个正交平分割三维空间而成
来源:Latin oct3ns octant- 拉丁语 oct3ns octant- from octô [eight] * see oktô(u) 源自 octô [八] *参见 oktô(u)