详细解释:n. 泡桐
n.(名词)Any of several Chinese deciduous trees of the genusPaulownia, having large, heart-shaped, opposite leaves and pyramidal panicles of purplish or white flowers with a spotted interior. Also called princess tree 泡桐属:一种中国产的泡桐属 落叶乔木,具有心形的大对生叶片,淡紫色或白色锥状花冠,内部具有花斑 也作 princess tree
来源:New Latin [genus name] 现代拉丁语 [属名] after Princess Anna Paulovna (795-8'5), Russian princess and queen of William II of the Netherlands 源自公主安娜 保卢维娜 (795-8'5年),俄国公主和荷兰威廉二世的王后