详细解释:n. 人, 人类
a. 人类的, 似人类的, 人性的, 有同情心的
【医】 人的, 人类的
human, humane这两个词都是形容词,由于拼法相近,故易混淆。
human: 意思是“人的”、“人类的”(of man or belonging to man),它是个中性词,能用于褒义场合,如human virtues;human achievement,也能用于贬义场合,如human follies;human vices.this is what we call human touch or human nature.
这就是我们所谓的人情味或人性。the cruelty of the enemies suggests that they are less than human.
敌人的 * 行为暴露了他们的豺狼本性。
humane: 意思是“仁慈的”、“人道的”(benevolent or humanistic),它是个褒义词。on returning to japan,the prisoners of war expressed their gratitude for the humane treatment they had received in china.
日本战俘在返国时,对他们在中国所受到的人道待遇表示感激。what we have done is in full accord with the humane spirit.
名词 human:
any living or extinct member of the family Hominidae characterized by superior intelligence, articulate speech, and erect carriage同义词:homo, man, human being