详细解释:n. 伙食管理员
n.(名词)A steward or purchaser of provisions, as for a monastery or college.采购员:食物、饮料的管理员或采购员,如为修道院或大学采办
来源:Middle English maunciple Middle English maunciple from Old French manciple [bondsman] from Old French manciple [bondsman] variant of mancipe variant of mancipe from Latin mancipium [servant, ownership by acquisition] from Latin mancipium [servant, ownership by acquisition] from manceps mancip- [contractor, dealer] from manceps mancip- [contractor, dealer] manus [hand] * see man- 2manus [hand] *参见 man- 2capere [to take] * see kap- capere [to take] *参见 kap-