详细解释:【医】 柄, 中腹突[昆]
名词 manubrium:
the upper part of the breastbone详细解释:
n.(名词)【复数】 ma.nu.bri.a[-brô-…] A body part or process shaped like a handle.Also called presternum 柄状物:身体柄状部分或突起也作 presternum
The broad upper division of the sternum with which the clavicle and first two ribs articulate.胸骨柄:胸骨上部的宽大部分,锁骨和前两根肋骨借其以活动The long tapering process of the malleus attached to the central portion of the eardrum.锤骨柄:与耳膜中央部分连接的锤骨的长而渐细的突起
来源:Latin [handle] 拉丁语 [柄] from manus [hand] * see man- 2源自 manus [手] *参见 man- 2