详细解释:n. 钱
【经】 金钱
NONE(无词性)In the Old Testament, the oldest son of Ham.古实:《圣经·旧约》中含的长子
CushCush 2也作 Kush
NONE(无词性)An ancient region of northeast Africa where the biblical descendants of Cush settled. It is often identified with Ethiopia.库施:非洲东北部的一个古代地区,《圣经》中库施的后代曾在此定居。它通常被视为等同于埃塞俄比亚An ancient kingdom of Nubia in northern Sudan. It flourished from the th century
b.c. to the 4th century
a.d. , when its capital fell to the Ethiopians. 库施:努比亚的一个古王国,位于苏丹的北部地区。它从
公元前 世纪开始繁荣,直至
公元 4世纪时其首都被埃塞俄比亚人攻陷