详细解释:n. 火坑式供暖, 热坑
n.(名词)A space under the floor of an ancient Roman building where heat from a furnace was accumulated to heat a room or a bath.炕:古罗马建筑地面以下的空间,在那儿火炉的热聚集给房子或沐浴供暖
来源:Latin hypocaustum 拉丁语 hypocaustum from Greek hupokauston 源自 希腊语 hupokauston from hupokaiein [to light a fire beneath] 源自 hupokaiein [在…之下燃起一团火] hupo- [hypo-] hupo- [前缀,表.低于….的意思] kaiein [to burn] kaiein [燃烧]