详细解释:n. 盖勒韦马(苏格兰产)
名词 galloway:
a district in southwestern Scotlandbreed of hardy black chiefly beef cattle native to Scotland
NONE(无词性)A region of southwest Scotland. The
Mull of Galloway, a promontory on a peninsula on its southwest coast, is the southernmost point in Scotland. 加洛韦:苏格兰西南部一地区。其西南海岸一半岛上的海角
加洛韦角 是苏格兰的最南角
GallowayGalloway&B{Joseph} (
73ô-803)NONE(无词性)British Loyalist in America. His .Plan of a Proposed Union between Great Britain and the Colonies. was defeated in the First Continental Congress by one vote. Galloway fled to England in 778.盖洛韦,约瑟夫:(
73ô-803) 居住在美国的英国反对独立者。他的.建议大不列颠及其殖民地间实行联合的计划.在第一届大陆会议上以一票之差被否决。778年盖洛韦飞往英国