详细解释:n. 眼虫(藻), 裸藻
【医】 眼虫属
名词 euglena:
minute single-celled green freshwater organism having a single flagella; often classed as algae详细解释:
n.(名词)Any of various minute single-celled freshwater organisms of the genusEuglena, characterized by the presence of chlorophyll, a reddish eyespot, and a single anterior flagellum. 眼虫藻,裸藻:一种眼虫 属的各种微小单细胞淡水微生物,该属的特点是存在叶绿素、红眼点和单一的前部鞭毛
来源:New Latin 现代拉丁语 Greek eu- [eu-] 希腊语 eu- [好的,优的] Greek glônô [eyeball] 希腊语 glônô [眼球]