详细解释:【经】 收回, 缴回
名词 escheat:
a reversion to the state (as the ultimate owner of property) in the absence of legal heirsthe property that reverts to the state详细解释:
n.(名词)Reversion of land held under feudal tenure to the manor in the absence of legal heirs or claimants.无继承人的土地归领主:缺少法定继承人或继承申请者的封地的所有权的转归领主Law 【法律】 Reversion of property to the state in the absence of legal heirs or claimants.无继承人的土地充公:在缺少继承人或申请者时转给国家的财产Property that has reverted to the state when no legal heirs or claimants exist.转交权力:国家承受(没有继承人或申请者时)转交财产的权力v.intr.tr.(不及物动词和及物动词)es.cheat.ed,es.cheat.ing,es.cheats 【法律】 To revert or cause to revert by escheat.转归领土:(使无人继承的土地)转归领主(或国家)
来源:Middle English eschete 中古英语 eschete from Old French from escheoir [to fall out] 源自 古法语 源自 escheoir [解散] and from Anglo-Latin escheta 并源自 英拉丁语 escheta both from Vulgar Latin *excadôre [to fall out] 都源自 俗拉丁语 *excadôre [原地解散] Latin ex- [ex-] 拉丁语 ex- [前缀,表.从前的,前任的.] Latin cadere [to fall] * see kad- 拉丁语 cadere [解散] *参见 kad-