详细解释:n. 麦穗
名词 wheatear:
small songbird of northern America and Eurasia having a distinctive white rump详细解释:
n.(名词)A small thrush(Oenanthe oenanthe) having a gray back, buff breast, and white rump, found in open areas of most northern regions. 穗:一种小歌鸟(穗) 有灰色的背,胸部呈暗黄色,腰部白色,在大多数北部地区空旷开阔地带可以找到
来源:Back-formation from earlier wheatears [taken as pl.] 源自 较早期 wheatears的逆构词 [被当作复数形式] probably by folk etymology from white 可能源自 white的民间词源arse arse