详细解释:n. 宣誓免责
【法】 依据他人证词宣誓证明被告无罪的程序
n.Law (名词)【法律】 An ancient form of trial in which an accused person could call people to swear to their belief in his innocence.免罚宣誓审判:旧时一种判案方法,其中被告人可以找个人以宣誓的方式证明他的无辜
来源:Late Latin compôrg3tiô compôrg3tiôn- [complete purification] 后期拉丁语 compôrg3tiô compôrg3tiôn- [完全纯洁] from Latin compôrg3tus [past participle of] compôrg3re [to purify completely] 源自 拉丁语 compôrg3tus [] compôrg3re的过去分词 [使…完全纯洁] com- [intensive pref.] * see com- com- [前缀,表加强词义] *参见 com-pôrg3re [to purify] * see peu…- pôrg3re [净化] *参见 peu…-