详细解释:n. 原汁炖鸡鸡块(或肉块)
vi. 炖肉块(或鸡块)
名词 fricassee:
pieces of chicken or other meat stewed in gravy with e.g. carrots and onions and served with noodles or dumplings动词 fricassee:
make a fricassee of by cooking详细解释:
n.(名词)Poultry or meat cut into pieces and stewed in gravy.炖肉:将家禽或肉切成片在肉汁中炖v.tr.(及物动词)fric.as.seed,fric.as.see.ing,fric.as.sees To prepare (poultry or meat) by cutting into pieces and stewing in gravy.把…做成炖肉:将肉切块并放入肉汁中炖来准备
来源:French fricassée 法语 fricassée from Old French [from feminine past participle of] fricasser [to fricassee] 源自 古法语 [] 源自fricasser的阴性过去分词 [炖肉] probably frire [to fry] from Latin frogere [to roast, fry] 可能为 frire [煎] 源自 拉丁语 frogere [烤] casser [to break, crack] from Latin quass3re [to shake, shatter] * see squash 2casser [打破,弄碎] 源自 拉丁语 quass3re [摇动,撕碎] *参见 squash2or Vulgar Latin *co3cti3re [to press together] from Latin co3ctus [past participle of] côgere [to drive or bring together] * see cogent 或 俗拉丁语 *co3cti3re [压在一起] 源自 拉丁语 co3ctus [] côgere的过去分词 [拉或放在一起] *参见 cogent