详细解释:n. 雷盖
名词 reggae:
popular music originating in the West Indies; repetitive bass riffs and regular chords played on the off beat by a guitar详细解释:
n.Music (名词)【音乐】 Popular music of Jamaican origin having elements of calypso, soul, and rock `n` roll and characterized by a strongly accentuated offbeat.雷盖:源于牙买加的流行音乐,含有民间音乐,黑人布鲁斯音乐,摇滚乐的成份,带有一个强有力地强调非传统的特点
来源:Jamaican English 牙买加英语 ultimately from rege-rege [ragged clothing] 最终源自 rege-rege [破旧的衣服] probably from rag 可能源自 rag