详细解释:n. 星历表
名词 ephemeris:
an annual publication containing astronomical tables that give the positions of the celestial bodies throughout the year详细解释:
n.(名词)【复数】 eph.e.mer.i.des[μf.…-mμr.…-dôz.] A table giving the coordinates of a celestial body at a number of specific times during a given period.星历表:一张给出一定时期内一个天体在一些特定时间的坐标的表
来源:Late Latin ephômeris 后期拉丁语 ephômeris from Greek [diary] 源自 希腊语 [日记] from ephômeros [daily] * see ephemeral 源自 ephômeros [每天的] *参见 ephemeral