详细解释:n. (为死者所诵的)晚祷歌, 安慰剂, 安慰的话, 使人宽慰的事
【医】 安慰剂, 无效[对照]剂
名词 placebo:
an innocuous or inert medication; given as a pacifier or to the control group in experiments on the efficacy of a drug(Roman Catholic Church) vespers of the office for the dead详细解释:
n.(名词)【复数】 pla.ce.bos 或 pla.ce.boes
Medicine A substance containing no medication and prescribed or given to reinforce a patient`s expectation to get well.【医学】 安慰剂:一种不含药性的制剂,开给病人仅仅为加强他康复的希望An inactive substance or preparation used as a control in an experiment or test to determine the effectiveness of a medicinal drug.无效对照剂:一种无影响的物质或制剂,用来控制试验或确定药物的有效程度Something of no intrinsic remedial value that is used to appease or reassure another.安慰的话,宽心的话:某些没有内在补救作用的东西,仅仅用来安慰他人[plô-ch3.bô] Roman Catholic Church The service or office of vespers for the dead.[plô-ch3.bô] 【罗马天主教】 为死者做的晚祷
来源:Middle English 中古英语 from Late Latin placôbô [I shall please (the first word of the first antiphon of the service)] 源自 后期拉丁语 placôbô [我愿意(这是唱赞美诗前说的第一句诗的第一个词)] first person sing. future tense of Latin placôre [to please] * see pl3k- 拉丁语 placôre的第一人称单数将来时 [高兴] *参见 pl3k-