详细解释:n. 命名者, 词汇手册
n.(名词)One who assigns names, as in scientific classification.命名者:命名的人。如在科学分类中
来源:Latin nômencl3tor [a slave who accompanied his master to tell him the names of people he met] 拉丁语 nômencl3tor [陪着其主人并告诉他所遇到的人的名字的奴隶] variant of nômencul3tor nômencul3tor的变体 nômen [name] * see nò-men- nômen [名字] *参见 nò-men- cal3tor [servant, crier] from cal3re [to call] * see kel…- 2cal3tor [奴仆,喊叫者] 源自 cal3re [叫] *参见 kel…- 2