详细解释:n. 二头肌, 臂部肌肉
【医】 二头的, 二头肌
名词 biceps:
any skeletal muscle having two origins (but especially the muscle that flexes the forearm)详细解释:
n.(名词)【复数】 biceps 或 bi.ceps.es [-sμp.sz] A muscle with two heads or points of origin.二头肌:起端有两个头或端的肌肉
The large muscle at the front of the upper arm that flexes the forearm.Also called biceps brachii 肱二头肌:位于上肢前面使前臂屈曲的大型肌肉也作 biceps brachiiThe large muscle at the back of the thigh that flexes the knee joint.Also called biceps femoris 臀大肌:大腿后侧使膝关节屈曲的大型肌肉也作 biceps femoris
来源:Latin [two-headed] 拉丁语 [二头的] bi- [two] * see bi- bi- [二] *参见 bi-caput [head] * see kaput- caput [头] *参见 kaput-