详细解释:n. 狨
名词 marmoset:
small soft-furred South American and Central American monkey with claws instead of nails详细解释:
n.(名词)Any of various small, clawed monkeys of the generaCallithrix and Cebuella, found in tropical forests of the Americas and having soft, dense fur, tufted ears, and long tails. 狨:任一种产于美洲热带雨林的狨属 和 悬猴属 体形较小、有尖爪的猴子,皮毛柔软而浓密,耳有丝毛且长有长尾
来源:Middle English marmusette [a kind of small monkey] 中古英语 marmusette [一种小猴] from Old French marmouset [grotesque figurine] 源自 古法语 marmouset [风格怪异的小雕像] alteration influenced by marmouser [to murmur] 受 marmouser的影响 [低声说] of marmotte [marmot] * see marmot marmotte的变化 [土拨鼠] *参见 marmot