详细解释:n. 克尔维特式轻巡航舰, 小型护舰
名词 corvette:
a highly maneuverable escort warship; smaller than a destroyer详细解释:
n.(名词)A fast, lightly armed warship, smaller than a destroyer, often armed for antisubmarine operations.护卫舰:一种轻型武装的迅速战斗舰,比驱逐舰小,常为反潜水军事行动而配有武器An obsolete sailing warship, smaller than a frigate, usually armed with one tier of guns.平甲板帆舰:一种旧式帆舰,比护卫舰小,通常装有一层炮
来源:French [a kind of warship] 法语 [一种军舰] probably from Middle Dutch corf [basket, small ship] * see corf 可能源自 中古荷兰语 corf [蓝子,小船] *参见 corf