详细解释:n. 预期, 预辩(法)
【医】 提早发作
名词 prolepsis:
anticipating and answering objections in advance详细解释:
n.(名词)【复数】 pro.lep.ses[-sôz] The anachronistic representation of something as existing before its proper or historical time, as inthe precolonial United States. 预期的叙述:对某事的年代错误的描述,如存在于其适当的或历史的时间之前,如在殖民前的美国 中
The assignment of something, such as an event or a name, to a time that precedes it, as inIf you tell the cops, you`re a dead man. 预期:把未发生的事,比如事件或称呼,当作已发生来描绘,比如在如果你通知警察,你就变成了一个死人 中 The use of a descriptive word in anticipation of the act or circumstances that would make it applicable, asdry in They drained the lake dry. 预词法:描述性的词的使用,可预期使之适合于描述的行为或情形,比如dry(干) 在 They drained the lake dry 中 The anticipation and answering of an objection or argument before one`s opponent has put it forward.预辩法:预料和应答对方可能提出的反对或辩论
来源:Late Latin prolôpsis 后期拉丁语 prolôpsis from Greek prolôpsis 源自 希腊语 prolôpsis from prolambanein [to anticipate] 源自 prolambanein [期待] pro- [before] * see pro- 2pro- [在…之前] *参见 pro-2lambanein lôp- [to take] lambanein lôp- [拿起]