详细解释:n. 硬玉
【化】 硬玉; 翡翠
名词 jadeite:
a hard green mineral consisting of sodium aluminum silicate in monoclinic crystalline form; a source of jade; found principally in Burma详细解释:
n.(名词)A rare, usually emerald to light green but sometimes white, auburn, buff, or violet mineral, NaAlSi2O ', used as a gem and for ornamental carvings. It is the tougher and more highly valued form of jade. 翡翠石:通常指珍贵稀有的 * 宝石,有时也指白色、红褐色、暗黄色或兰紫色的矿石。NaAlSi2O ',用作宝石或装饰性的雕刻作品。它是较为坚硬和较具有高价值的玉石的一种