详细解释:【医】 梗阻的, 阻塞的, 止泻剂
名词 obstruent:
a consonant that is produced with a partial or complete blockage of the airflow from the lungs through the nose or mouth详细解释:
adj.(形容词)Obstructing or closing natural openings or passages of the body.造成阻碍的:对身体的自然开口或通道造成阻碍的或关闭的n.(名词)An obstruent medicine or agent.阻塞剂:一种用于阻塞的药物试剂Linguistics A sound, such as a stop, a fricative, or an affricate, that is produced with complete blockage or at least partial constriction of the airflow through the nose or mouth.【语言学】 阻塞音:发音时呼吸道完全被阻塞或阻塞到发摩擦音的程度时发的音,如塞音、塞擦音或擦音
来源:Latin obstruôns obstruent- [present participle of] obstruere [to obstruct] * see obstruct 拉丁语 obstruôns obstruent- [] obstruere的现在分词 [阻碍] *参见 obstruct