详细解释:n. 德累斯顿(德国城市)
名词 dresden:
a city in southeastern Germany on the Elbe River; it was almost totally destroyed by British air raids in 1945详细解释:
NONE(无词性)A city of east-central Germany on the Elbe River east-southeast of Leipzig. An industrial and cultural center, it was severely damaged in bombing raids during World War II. Its china industry was moved to Meissen in the early 8th century. Population, 522,532.德累斯顿:德国中东部城市,位于莱比锡东南偏东河畔。是工业与文化中心,二战期间被空袭轰炸严重毁损。其瓷器工业于8世纪初迁至梅森。人口522,532