详细解释:n. 白鲑, 白鲸
名词 whitefish:
any market fish--edible saltwater fish or shellfish--except herringflesh of salmon- or trout-like cold-water fish of cold lakes of the northern hemispheresilvery herring-like freshwater food fish of cold lakes of the northern hemisphere详细解释:
n.(名词)【复数】 whitefish 或 white.fish.es
Any of various chiefly North American freshwater food fishes of the genusCoregonus, having a generally white or silvery color. 白鲑:一种鲑鱼 属,主要是北美淡水食用鱼,通常具有白色或银色的色泽 Any of various similar or related fishes, such as the lake herring, whiting, or menhaden.类白鲑:一种相似或相关的鱼,例如加拿大白鲑、银无须鳕或油鲱See beluga 参见 beluga